Serving the Needs of Virginia Families for over 25 years
Family law mediation with a divorce mediation attorney is a process in which a neutral party (mediator) facilitates the parties reaching an agreed outcome on whatever matter is in dispute. Seasoned family law attorneys or retired judges serve in this capacity and can assist the parties alone, or in conjunction with their counsel, to reach a desirable outcome. Ms. Hoffman has been a trained mediator since 1988 and works as a family law mediation attorney with the divorcing parties alone or with their counsel present.
Mediation is an excellent process to resolve or all family law issues such as child custody, parental visitation, child and spousal support and property division. Mediation, as an alternative to litigation, is more amicable, less costly and often results in a preferable outcome as both parties participate in crafting the terms of resolution.
Both parties must agree to participate in the process, and neither can use the mediator as an attorney for his or her individual case before or after mediation.
The best scenario in the event of a spousal separation is to commit to a mutually-accepted mediation process. With the help of an experienced professional in family law mediation, both parties will maintain a clearer idea of each other's expectations, as well as have someone that can provide accurate legal knowledge and an impartial perspective, ensuring their separation transitions smoothly and is beneficial for all parties.
Contact us at (703) 691-3066 to discuss a possible mediation session, or to learn more about our practice.